Event Calendar

Cafe Crip: RAGE
Cafe Crip is a monthly gathering to talk about important topics within our disability communities. This month, we’ll talk about rage. What is the role and place for rage in our movements? How do we let the rage out so it doesn’t consume us? How do we harness our rage power to fight for our communities? We send readings in advance, but they are optional, and there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in if your capacity doesn’t allow for reading them. Facilitator Bianca Laureano leads the group through community agreements and access principles to ensure everyone can join this informal community-building hangout.
ASL | CART | virtual

Sustaining Us: Getting Published with Keidra Chaney
Our words are revolutions waiting to happen. They light fires and connect humans – they create love and build strong communities. Our words are powerful y’all. Whether you’re a poet, essayist, experimental scribbler, novelist, or academic – the world needs to read your writing. But, the publishing process can be so discouraging, discriminatory, and depleting. Scholar, digital strategist, and accessibility advocate Keidra Chaney has been through it and is here to share her wisdom. She will lead an interactive workshop, helping us make a plan for publishing that keeps our process sustainable, and our words revolutionary.
ASL | Deaf interpreters | CART | virtual | recorded
About Keidra Chaney
Keidra Chaney is a Chicago-based writer. She works as the program director at Disability Culture Lab. After editing personal essays at the award-winning Clamor Magazine, she co-founded and published The Learned Fangirl, a well-known fan studies journal from 2008-2020. In 2020, she started Wild Ramp Publishing, a zine publisher and hub. Her work has appeared in The Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Reader, Bitch Media, Uncanny Magazine, Prism, and more. Keidra is a 2024 Emerge Fellow at the Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University. There, she is creating a digital archive to highlight Black disabled women's activism.

Care Work Under Fascism Part 2
Building off our popular event, Care Work Under Fascism, we’re hosting a Part II! This time, our panelists Topher Ávila, T.S. Banks, and Maria Palacios will move the conversation forward with an in-depth discussion of how care work allows us to forge ahead and dream big when we’re facing ongoing existential threats to our livelihood, communities, and humanity. We’ll answer your questions from our first panel and talk strategies on how to stay connected during profound uncertainty and oppression.
ASL | Deaf interpreters | CART | virtual | recorded
About the Panelists
Topher Ávila, PhD, MA, BA, BEI (panelist and moderator)
Born in México and raised in Tejas, Topher Ávila is a filmmaker, Deaf Interpreter (DI), community organizer, and writer. Topher's LSM/ASL Deaf Immigrant familia planted raíces/roots into the person he is now. Abolition, Disability Justice, and Language Justice all inform Topher's work, blending advocacy with artistic creativity. Topher is a co-author of the Deaf Culture textbook, now in its second edition and a third one on the way! In his free time, Topher loves writing scripts, binge-watching tv shows, and laying in the grass at a park with his rescue dog, Fluffy.
T.S. Banks (panelist)
T. S. Banks (he/him) is a Black & QTDisabled, non-binary teaching artist, poet, and playwright from Madison, WI. He is the Founder of Loud ‘N UnChained Theater Co and LNU Publishing House, which is home to Black mad-Krip, neurodivergent, and chronically ill authors and teaching-artists. His work addresses visioning for Black Liberation, a critique of the medical system, radical care + access, madness, QT Mad-Krip Liberation, disability justice, & abolition. T's chapbooks "Call Me ill" , "Left" & "SPLIT" can all be found at LnuTheaterCo.com. Follow him @LnuTheaterCo on IG or @Call-me-ill on BlueSky
Maria R. Palacios (panelist)
Maria R. Palacios is a disability activist, poet, author and professional presenter whose work and community contributions span over thirty years. She is Sins Invalid’s Spanish Language Community Organizer and in the artistic world, Maria R Palacios is known as the Goddess on Wheels.

Disability Reading Challenge Book Club
The Disability Reading Challenge was created by Geetanshi Sharma to encourage those at any stage to learn more about disability justice and culture by reading diverse and intersectional books by disabled authors. The March prompt for the #DisabilityReadingChallenge2025 is “a book by a queer and disabled author.” We will be partnering with Geetanshi to host this month’s book discussion on The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White, a historical Young Adult gothic novel about conforming to Victorian society.
ASL | CART | virtual
Registration deadline is April 1st at 4:00 pm PST.
About Geetanshi Sharma
Geetanshi (she/her) is a graduate student at SFSU getting her MFA in Creative Writing, with a concentration in fiction. She has a BA in Cognitive Science from UC Berkeley, and previously worked in the tech industry as a product manager and accessibility specialist. In her free time, Geetanshi enjoys reading, and runs a bookstagram and literary podcast about diverse and inclusive storytelling. She also loves astronomy, photography, baking, and playing board games.

Sustaining Us: Plain English Workshop
Whether you are an academic, activist, small business owner, creative, or just someone seeking to be understood – Noemí Martínez Turrull is here to help. Join Noemí for a collaborative workshop on applying principles of plain language. They will start with a brief presentation and demonstration before facilitating a working session so you can practice your skills and ask questions in real time. Bring a piece of writing you’ve been working on or use one of our examples. Folks are welcome to join at any level of participation that feels good.
ASL | Deaf interpreter | CART | virtual | recorded
About Noemí Martínez Turull
Noemí Martínez Turull, Pronouns: she/they/person is a poet-curandera, writer, cultural worker and plain language editor who specializes in making complex documents clear, accessible, and reader-friendly. With a background in community building, social justice and resistance rooted in revolutionary love, they have worked with nonprofits, businesses, and organizations to improve communication and ensure information is easily understood. They are passionate about accessibility and believe that everyone deserves information they can use. As someone on the spectrum with dyscalculia and ADHD, Noemi understands the challenges of processing complex information and is passionate about breaking down difficult concepts into clear, structured formats. This perspective informs their approach to plain language editing, ensuring that information is accessible to diverse audiences.

Care Work: Domestic Labor and Liberation
Presented with Hand in Hand, this panel explores the complex reality of care relationships shaped by histories of racism, ableism, and exploitation. We'll examine what power and equity can look like in relationships of care, acknowledging that care isn't charity and survival isn't enough. At this crucial intersection where disability justice meets domestic worker rights, where immigrant justice meets racial justice, we'll discuss some of the challenging parts, including how our trauma can show up in these relationships, how systems like capitalism, etc., can force us to be in unhealthy or harmful relationships. We will also share stories of solidarity, mutual interdependence, and creative solutions that folks have developed in the face of the commodification of care.
ASL | Deaf interpreter | CART | virtual | recorded

Together Time: Rage and Grief Edition
We’ve been channeling our rage and managing our grief. It’s what this chaotic and frightening year has demanded. While we honor all the coping mechanisms and survival strategies that get us through, sometimes we gotta let it out to be free. Come share your rage and grief in an open and supportive community. No feeling is too big and every experience is valid. Our beloved Cafe Crip facilitator Bianca Laureano will hold the space centering consent, affirmation, and kindness. While our opinions may vary, this is a space to come together in community with affirming care and empathy.
ASL | CART | virtual
Registration deadline is April 15 at 4:00 pm PST.
About Bianca Laureano
Bianca I. Laureano is an award-winning educator, curriculum writer, and sexologist. She is a co-foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network and ANTE UP! a virtual freedom school. She has written curricula and led the curriculum development for the award-winning Netflix film Crip Camp and PBS documentary I Didn’t See You There, both guided by disability justice principles. She is an AASECT certified sexuality educator and supervisor and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the California Institute for Integral Studies for her work in expanding the US sexuality field. She is the editor of The People’s Book of Human Sexuality: Expanding the Sexology Archive (2023). Find out more about Bianca at her website BiancaLaureano.com and about ANTE UP! at www.AnteUpPD.com

Body Mind Centering Practices with Regan Brashear
Somatic practices support us in living with awareness, purpose, and vision. In somatics, our concept of “self” includes the body, mind, moods, emotions, internal narratives, and how we relate to others, including landscape and spirit. Somatic coach, Regan Brashear, will guide us through gentle movements (done from any body position), breathing, and embodied imagination. With repeated practice, somatics help us become present in our bodies, connect with our purpose and longings, and return to center.
ASL | CART | virtual
Registration deadline is April 16 at 4:00 pm PST.
About Regan Brashear
Regan (they/she) is a white, queer, genderqueer, fat somatics coach, filmmaker, community organizer, and a person living with an invisible disability for the past 27 years. Through individual coaching and small group work, Regan’s practice, Welcome Home Somatics (www.welcomehomesomatics.com), focuses on supporting disability/chronically ill/chronic pain, fat, queer, and genderqueer/trans/nonbinary communities in reclaiming a felt sense of dignity and belonging in our bodies. Their past film work includes the documentary FIXED: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement (https://fixedthemovie.com/) on disability, ableism and the social impact of human biotechnologies.

Accessible Strength and Mobility
Whether you’re reclining, sitting, or standing, Dr. Marcia’s all-level strength and mobility class is for you! Dr. Marcia is a physical therapist, founder of the Disabled Girls Who Lift podcast and community, and author of Movement for Everybody. No equipment is necessary, but if you have bands, weights, or household objects, we can add those in. Make sure you have water and what you need to be comfortable—pillows, blankets, rolled towels—you do you!
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded
About Dr. Marcia Dernia
Dr Marcia Dernie (she/they) is a Doctor Of Physical Therapy, accessible yoga teacher, child of Haitian immigrants, dancer, and chronically ill strength athlete. Their book Movement for Every Body serves as an inclusive roadmap for folks of all abilities, shades, and sizes to enjoy movement. She also provides free and affordable online resources to help folks move better through her platform @MoveWithMarcia.

Cafe Crip: Challenging Professionalism
Cafe Crip is a monthly gathering to talk about important topics within our disability communities. This month’s theme is Challenging Professionalism. To earn a living, Professionalism (ableism rebranded) often forces us to squeeze our bodies and minds into tight suits and tiny boxes. Let’s talk about that. Are there ways to subvert these oppressive standards? How can we build our own cultures of access and care in work? Come share your thoughts, horror stories, and ideas. We send readings in advance, but they are optional, and there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in if your capacity doesn’t allow for reading them. Facilitator Bianca Laureano leads the group through community agreements and access principles to ensure everyone can join this informal community-building hangout.
ASL | CART | virtual
Registration close April 23 at 6:00 am PST.
About Bianca Laureano
Bianca I. Laureano is an award-winning educator, curriculum writer, and sexologist. She is a co-foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network and ANTE UP! a virtual freedom school. She has written curricula and led the curriculum development for the award-winning Netflix film Crip Camp and PBS documentary I Didn’t See You There, both guided by disability justice principles. She is an AASECT certified sexuality educator and supervisor and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the California Institute for Integral Studies for her work in expanding the US sexuality field. She is the editor of The People’s Book of Human Sexuality: Expanding the Sexology Archive (2023). Find out more about Bianca at her website BiancaLaureano.com and about ANTE UP! at www.AnteUpPD.com

My Home is Someone's Workplace: Domestic Employer Workshop
Together with Hand in Hand, we are offering a workshop with guidance for people who employ or plan to employ home care attendants. Participants will learn how to build respectful care relationships by understanding legal obligations, creating work agreements, and ensuring fair pay practices. You’ll leave with sample contracts, timesheet templates, communication strategies, and more! We’ll also explore how ableism, and other systems of oppression shape care work and discuss how you can join the movement to improve labor standards across the domestic work industry while making home care programs more affordable and accessible for all.
ASL | Deaf interpreters | CART | virtual | recorded

Meditation for the Movement
Blind elder and meditation leader Dennis Billups has been bringing meditation to disability activism since participating in the 504 occupation in 1977. He will guide our mediation practice by drawing from his lived and spiritual experience, centering the importance of breath and quiet to fight oppression and care for our whole selves.
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded

Fairfax Library Superfest Showcase
Superfest is excited to partner with Marin County for an afternoon of disabled brilliance! Settle in for films and storytelling that bring depth and breadth to disabled lives and experiences. Join us after the screening for a panel discussion with Superfest Director Shaina Ghuraya and Festival Curator and actor Ajani Murray.
ASL | CART | open audio description | virtual

Together Time
Whether you're in the mood for a chat, want a little company while doing the dishes, need a cheer squad for that big project, or want to hang back and quietly be with your people, let's do it together! Together Time is a facilitated open Zoom room with nobody’s agenda but your own.
ASL | CART | virtual

Sustaining Us: Fiscal Sponsorship
In the "Sustaining Us" series of workshops, panels, and community discussions, we’ll explore our passions – the things we love to do – and how they sustain us. This workshop will demystify fiscal sponsorship, starting with "What exactly is fiscal sponsorship and should I be thinking about it?" It is one of the many tools we can use to create sustainable projects and harness brilliance and power. In this Sustaining Us workshop, Dr. Darcelle Lahr, founder and Executive Director of L.C. and Lillie Cox Haven of Hope and Professor of Business Practice, breaks down fiscal sponsorship. She’ll answer all your questions while guiding us through the structure, best practices, and common pitfalls of fiscal sponsorship.
ASL | Deaf Interpreter | CART | virtual | recorded for registrants

Altar-Building with Tiezst Taylor
We know loss far too well in disability communities. Altars offer a space to connect with our ancestors and celestial spirits – a space to manifest power and wisdom for our future. Think of the beloveds that you want to connect to. They may be a person, pet, community, movement – whatever is true for you. Then, gather the things that bring you close to them – anything goes. Photos, snacks, writing, doodles, scents, books, past belongings, flowers. Tiezst “Tie” Taylor, literary artist, radical educator, and altar-builder, will guide us through the practice of creating an altar for honoring, grieving, learning, and loving. Whether you need guidance or space to mourn, your ancestors and your community are here with you, always.
ASL | CART | virtual
About our facilitator
Tiezst “Tie” Taylor is a Disabled Black femme who is non-binary trans. They are a radical educator, artist-activist, poet, and storyteller. They have earned degrees in education and are a proponent of disability justice and abolitionist frameworks. Their work explores their experiences in surviving: Disability and severe mental illness; intergenerational trauma and poverty; and intersecting forms of oppression in the U.S. They use their art and research to educate, heal, nurture, radicalize, and catalyze change for all marginalized peoples.

Sustaining Us Series Launch
We are launching a new series called Sustaining Us. With workshops, panels, and community discussions, we’ll explore our passions – the things we love to do – and how they sustain us. It’s a tricky dance between doing creative work, surviving ableism, and gaining financial freedom. In our first panel, we’ll learn from three small-business owners about how they are pursuing their passions: 5th-generation beadworker Sarah Young Bear-Brown, Riz Carthins of Yarn Against the Machine, and Chef Lulu of Casa Borinqueña. Join us for an afternoon of storytelling, real talk, and creative energy.
ASL | Deaf Interpreter | CART | virtual | recorded

Cafe Crip: Reproductive Justice
Cafe Crip is a monthly gathering to talk about important topics within our disability communities. Reproductive justice is disability justice. This month, we'll talk about the places they meet, where they diverge, and how the two struggles are intertwined and interdependent. We send readings in advance, but they are optional, and there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in if your capacity doesn’t allow for reading them. Facilitator Bianca Laureano leads the group through community agreements and access principles to ensure everyone can join this informal community-building hangout.
ASL | CART | virtual
About Bianca Laureano (she/her/hers)
Bianca I. Laureano is an award-winning educator, curriculum writer, and sexologist. She is a co-foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network and ANTE UP! a virtual freedom school. She has written curricula and led the curriculum development for the award-winning Netflix film Crip Camp and PBS documentary I Didn’t See You There, both guided by disability justice principles. She is an AASECT certified sexuality educator and supervisor and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the California Institute for Integral Studies for her work in expanding the US sexuality field. She is the editor of The People’s Book of Human Sexuality: Expanding the Sexology Archive (2023). Find out more about Bianca at her website BiancaLaureano.com and about ANTE UP! at www.AnteUpPD.com

Chronic Pain Care Circle
There is so much beauty and joy in disability – and there can also be so much pain. It’s hard work to get through flares and manage the daily levels – it feels impossible in a culture that doesn’t acknowledge our reality. Come be with people who care deeply and want to hear about you. Come as you are – Lotus Boy, our chronically illUSTRIOUS facilitator, will hold space for all of it.
ASL | CART | virtual
About Lotus Boy (Ze/Zir, He/Him, or They/Them)
LOTUS BOY is a transgender, unapologetically disabled, neurodivergent, and chronically illUSTRIOUS, Chinese-American drag king based in occupied Lisjan Ohlone Land (aka Oakland, CA). As an ANTI-disciplinary artist, ze explores gender fluidity, accessibility, sustainability, joy, and healing from trauma, through any medium which speaks to zir. LOTUS BOY is on the Board of Directors for Oaklash, the Bay Area's drag festival, and the SPM Disability Justice Fund which supports projects led by disabled BIPOC.

Slowwww Dating
Ready to meet that person who will heart all your texts and send you care notes just because? Looking for that friend who knows that 12:00 pm is the earliest reasonable time to call a person? Yearning to share your nerdy love of fantasy with other beautiful crips? Yeah, we’re ready for that too. Join us as we team up with the founders of the disability dating app Dateability for our first Slowwww Dating event. It’s simple - we’ll ask questions to the group, and then you’ll answer them via chat or verbally. You can connect in the session via DM or wait for the DCC to compile profiles and contact information for everyone in the room. We are excited for all the beautiful new friendships, dates, and relationships! There will be plenty of space to share what you’re interested in. Adults only.
ASL | CART | virtual | adults only

Queer Writers Micro Retreat
Calling all queer writers! DCC and Longmore Fellow Geetanshi Sharma, disabled writer and creator, will lead a 90-minute micro retreat to help us access and express our queerest selves. We’ll work our way through a series of flexible prompts and short writing exercises. There will be opportunities to share and talk with each other, but it’s not required. Queer only space.
ASL | CART | virtual | queer only
About Geetanshi Sharma (she/her)
Geetanshi (she/her) is a graduate student at SFSU getting her MFA in Creative Writing, with a concentration in fiction. She has a BA in Cognitive Science from UC Berkeley, and previously worked in the tech industry as a product manager and accessibility specialist. In her free time, Geetanshi enjoys reading, and runs a bookstagram and literary podcast about diverse and inclusive storytelling. She also loves astronomy, photography, baking, and playing board games.

A Pleasure Chat with Robin Wilson-Beattie
Oooooooh. Y’all, it’s going to be a steamy one. There are infinite ways to find loving pleasure with ourselves and our partner(s). Robin Wilson-Beattie is joining us to host a chat about feeling good in our bodies, shopping for your sexiest toy, tricks for positioning, and whatever else tickles our fancy. It wouldn’t be the DCC if we didn’t talk about the messy moments – whether it's the best kind, the hardest kind, or anything in between – it’s an all-access evening together. Active participants and observers are welcome. Gotta catch this one live; we’re not recording. Adults only, obviously.
ASL | CART | virtual | adults only
About Robin Wilson-Beattie (she/her)
Life experience is a powerful teacher. As a woman of color with hidden and visible disabilities- advocating for diversity and inclusion in society IS my lived experience. With a professional background of teaching disability self and systems advocacy, my groundbreaking and revolutionary work in disability and sexual and reproductive health, and early employment in corporate America, I’ve learned the importance of empowering people to advocate for better access in their communities. My educational background is in anthropology, sexual and reproductive health, and law. All of this has gifted me with a unique perspective and outlook on how we all can learn and support each other in being better- together.

Accessible Strength and Mobility
Whether you’re reclining, sitting, or standing, Dr. Marcia’s all-level strength and mobility class is for you! Dr. Marcia is a physical therapist, founder of Disabled Girls Who Lift podcast and community, and author of “Movement for Everybody.” No equipment necessary, but if you have bands, weights, or household objects, we can add those in. Make sure you have water and what you need to be comfortable - pillows, blankets, rolled towels – you do you!
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded
About Dr. Marcia Dernie (she/they)
Dr. Marcia is a Doctor Of Physical Therapy, accessible yoga teacher, child of Haitian immigrants, dancer, and chronically ill strength athlete. Their book Movement for Every Body serves as an inclusive roadmap for folks of all abilities, shades, and sizes to enjoy movement. She also provides free and affordable online resources to help folks move better through her platform @MoveWithMarcia.

Disability, Love, and Intimacy Film Showcase
San Francisco and UC Berkeley Disability Cultural Centers are excited to share an afternoon of disability stories centering love and intimacy. We’ll watch 4 favorite shorts and take a quick break before jumping into a discussion about the films. Join us at UC Berkeley! Hearst Field Annex (HFA) D-25
ASL | CART | open audio description | in person at Hearst Field Annex (HFA) D-25 Berkeley (directions here)
Location information and logistics available on registration form.

Cafe Crip: Surviving Ableism
Cafe Crip is a monthly gathering to talk about important topics within our disability communities. This month we’ll learn for each other’s experiences, tactics, and coping mechanisms to cultivate a practice of sustainability and self care, even when ableism is trying to tear you down. We send readings in advance, but they are optional, and there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in if your capacity doesn’t allow for reading them. Facilitator Bianca Laureano leads the group through community agreements and access principles to ensure everyone can join this informal community-building hangout.
ASL | CART | virtual

Creative Healing with Natasha Thomas
“We know that may never see ourselves fully ‘healed’ in our lifetimes, but what we believe we CAN do is take conscious and care-filled steps, in solidarity, in order to build to the world we wish to see: one with less harm and more community care.” - Black Creative Healing.
Natasha Thomas will guide us through our communal grief, fear, and hopelessness to center our own healing and community care as they share their three recently released new songs “Black Creative Healing: the EP.” Then, we’ll share thoughts and questions for Natasha and learn more from them about this work. Open to the entire community.
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded

BIPOC Creatives Group
BIPOC creatives, this one’s for us! Artist and activist Alex Locust will facilitate a supportive, uplifting space for you to bring your projects and intentions. Come to bounce ideas off each other, reignite invigoration in your creative pursuits, or just be with your people in a generative space. Last time we got to get to know each other through mostly introductions. This time we invite attendees (new or returning) to bring a specific question or ask of the group. We look forward to seeing you! This is a BIPOC-only space.
ASL | CART | virtual | BIPOC-only

Care Work Under Fascism
We are facing escalating threats to the health and safety of our communities. Care work is how we’ve always gotten through: when systems fail us, we forge ahead by creating our own and dreaming up a better future. Join our panel of community organizers, artists, and care workers as they discuss their lived experiences and personal and community strategies to persist and stay connected under profound uncertainty and oppression.
A conversation with Topher Ávila, Maria Palacios, and TS Banks, who will discuss their experiences and strategies to persist and stay connected.
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded

Superfest Submissions Committee Info Session
Superfest fans! Do you want to help shape this year’s festival? You could join our Community Selection Committee, facilitated by filmmaker Shaina Ghuraya! With so many films that still promote ableism and tired stereotypes, this is an opportunity to change the conversation and determine what makes good disability representation. We’ll meet weekly starting in January to screen submissions and select eligible films for the Festival Curators to review. If you’re interested, please register to receive more information. This is a mostly volunteer opportunity, with gift cards to thank those who participate regularly.
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded

Vision Board for 2025
Join justice-centered artist, producer, and facilitator Claudia Alick to create your 2025 vision board. This workshop encourages us to explore beyond New Year’s resolutions and goals. We’ll imagine our future selves and our vibrant world, then create our own version of a vision board to act as our 2025 guide. You can create using collage materials, Pinterest, paper and pencil, or simply your mind! It’s all about your own journey.
ASL | CART | virtual

Yoga for All Bodies
Join Tan Hubbard, a Black, queer, solo family caregiver, for a restful all-bodies Yoga class. Tan dreams of a future where the planet and everyone on it is thriving and working together toward a world that centers care, love, and conscious collaboration. Their yoga classes center meditation, visualization, and breath work with the goal of creating a space where everyone can access their own practice. No matter whether your body is moving or staying still, whether you’re sitting in a chair or standing on a mat – Tan teaches to our individual experiences and bodies as we move through the class together.
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded

Crip Your Crown
It’s almost 2025, and we all deserve to go into the new year with our crowns on! Artist and founder of Rebirth Garments, Sky Cubacub, will lead an all-skill-level crown-making workshop. We’ll send out recommended material lists and instructions ahead of time with lots of tips for found and comfortable materials. During the workshop, Sky will support you with detailed instructions, troubleshooting, and lots of suggestions for different bodies, both in wearing and construction. Crown Kits are available for Bay Area folks!
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded | kits available for Bay Area

Tea with the DCC
The DCC co-directors invite you to chat! Come and introduce yourself to our leadership team. Have a program idea or feedback you’d like to share? Want to learn about what’s underway as the hybrid DCC is being developed? Catch up with our leadership team. Come on by for a virtual cup of tea and open conversation.
ASL | CART | virtual

Access Horror Movie Night
You know what would be weird and fun? A holiday season horror movie night on Friday the 13th. Superfest and Access Horror are coming together to do it! We’re planning an evening of zombies, murder (of a gaslighting doctor, obviously), creepy crawlies, and more. These aren’t your typical slasher, killer clown, monster movies; they’re truth-telling, often funny films that feel good to watch with your people. Filmmaker and founder of Access Horror Ariel Baska will kick off the event with their hot take on why the horror genre can be a powerful genre for disability storytelling, and then you’ll have the chance to watch and decide for yourself!
ASL | CART | virtual | open audio description

Cafe Crip: Radical Rest
Cafe Crip is a monthly gathering to talk about important topics within our disability communities. This month, we’ll talk about how we find rest as individuals and in community and how rest is a radical act for fighting ableism and capitalism. We send readings in advance, but they are optional, and there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in if your life doesn’t allow for reading them. Facilitator Bianca Laureano leads the group through community agreements and access principles to ensure everyone can join this informal community-building hangout.
ASL | CART | virtual

Anti-Ableist Manifesto with Tiffany Yu
Join Tiffany Yu, author of the new book The Anti-Ableist Manifesto: Smashing Stereotypes, Forging Change, and Building a Disability-Inclusive World in conversation with human rights attorney Haben Girma. We’ll discuss her process for writing the book, her aspirations for change, and her lessons for building an anti-ableist world.
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded

Together Time: BIPOC Edition
Whether you're in the mood for a chat, want a little company while doing the dishes, need a cheer squad for that big project, or want to hang back and quietly be with your people, let's do it together. Together Time is a facilitated open Zoom room with nobody’s agenda but your own.
This Together Time is only for Black, Indigenous, and people of color.
ASL | CART | virtual | BIPOC-only

Cafe Crip: Self Care in Stressful TImes
Cafe Crip is a monthly gathering to talk about important topics within our disability communities. As we wrap up election season and head into the holidays, we’ll talk about Self Care in Stressful Times. How do we access what we need to feel whole, especially when the world asks so much of us?
We send readings in advance, but they are optional and there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in if your capacity doesn’t allow for reading them. Facilitator Bianca Laureano leads the group through community agreements and access principles to ensure everyone can join this informal community-building hangout.
ASL | CART | virtual

Tea with the DCC
The DCC co-directors invite you to chat! Come and introduce yourself to our leadership team. Have a program idea or feedback you’d like to share? Want to learn about what’s underway as the hybrid DCC is being developed? Come on by for a virtual cup of tea and open conversation.
ASL | CART | virtual
Registration closes November 17, 2024, end of day.

Crafting Circle
You asked for it and we’re doing it! The DCC is hosting our first crafting circle. Crafters, aspiring crafters, lapsed crafters looking for inspiration, craft appreciators - all are welcome! Our resident crafter, Craigslist-free enthusiast, and DCC co-director Emily Beitiks will share her tips for crafting on a budget. Then she’ll facilitate our time as we chat and craft together. Come with your wisdom, questions, and ideas for a cozy and creative crafting circle! BYOC - Bring Your Own Craft!
ASL | CART | virtual
Registration closes November 13, 2024, end of day.

Measuring Spoons Cooking Class
We loved cooking dinner with y’all so much that we’re doing it again! Join cookbook authors Anna Foster and Rosemary McDonnell-Horita to make to learn a new dinner recipe. We haven’t decided what it is yet, but we can promise a delicious, low-spoon, fall-inspired meal. While we cook (or watch!) we’ll share kitchen hacks and stories as well as get updates on Measuring Spoons: A Cookbook for Crips.
Participants will get an ingredient list and recipe when they register. We’ll make substitution recommendations common allergens and if you have any questions or need help adapting the recipe please email us! The recipe is very adaptable and we’re always here to help. The total cost for four servings will be under $25. Meal kits are available for folks in the Bay Area without the spoons or funds for grocery shopping (details when you register.)
ASL | CART | virtual | recorded | meal kits for Bay Area folks