Community Agreements

We practice patience and interdependence. We make space for each person who has joined and value “crip time”: the understanding that everything unfolds in due time. Access is collective work and we welcome each person to show up as you can for this work.


We listen with our entire bodies and minds, not only our ears. Remaining open to the unique experiences and perspectives of each participant is expected. If there is something shared that brings discomfort or anger, we invite you to pause and check in with yourself before responding. Allowing people to complete their thoughts before responding is a part of listening with our entire bodies and minds.


We speak from our specific experiences. There is space for all of us. There is space to hold multiple truths. We take responsibility for the impact of our sharing and remain open to un / learning together.


Participants are encouraged to engage as they wish and to pass if they do not want to engage. We do not expect an explanation or over-explanation for participant choices.